CV Prof. Stephan Gekle

since 05/2018 | Lichtenberg Professor (W2) for Biofluid Simulation and Modeling, Universität Bayreuth |
04/2013 - 04/2018 | Lichtenberg Junior Professor for Biofluid Simulation and Modeling, Universität Bayreuth |
11/2012 - 03/2013 | Group leader Biofluid Simulation and Modeling, Universität Bayreuth |
04/2010 - 10/2012 | PostDoc in the Bio-Soft Matter Theory Group at Technische Universität München with Roland Netz |
11/2009 - 04/2010 | PostDoc at University of Twente (Netherlands) |
03/2006 - 11/2009 | PhD at University of Twente (Netherlands). Advisors: Detlef Lohse, Devaraj van der Meer (U Twente) and José Manuel Gordillo (U Sevilla, Spain) |
11/2005 - 03/2006 | Research assistant at University of Stuttgart |
10/1999 - 11/2005 | Studies of Physics at Universities of Stuttgart and Valladolid (Spain) |