Determining the Elastic Modulus of Microgel Particles by Nanoindentation
N. Raßmann, S. Trippmacher, A. Specht, K. Theis, T. Rößler, S. Wohlrab, R. Kellnberger, S. Salehi, H. Bargel, N. Helfricht, K. Albrecht, T. Scheibel, J. Groll, S. Gekle, and G. Papastavrou
Nano Materials (2025) [DOI] [pdf]
Novel lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of strongly shear thinning viscoelastic fluids
R. Kellnberger, T. Jüngst, S. Gekle
Int. J. Numer. Meth Fluids 97, 164-187 (2025) [DOI] [pdf]
Mechanical complexity of living cells can be mapped onto simple homogeneous equivalents
S. Wohlrab, S. Mueller, S. Gekle
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology (2024) [DOI] [pdf]
Nominally identical microplastic models differ greatly in their particle-cell interactions
S. Wieland, A. F. R. M. Ramsperger, W. Gross, M. Lehmann, T. Witzmann, A. Caspari, M. Obst, S. Gekle, G. K. Auerhammer, A. Fery, C. Laforsch, H. Kress
nature communications (2024) [DOI] [pdf]
Water-air transfer rates of microplastic particles through bubble bursting as a function of particle size
L. M. Oehlschlaegel, S. Schmid, M. Lehmann, S. Gekle and A. Held
Microplastics and Nanoplastics 4:1, (2024) [DOI] [pdf]
Cell-free layer of red blood cells in a constricted microfluidic channel under steady and time-dependent flow conditions
S. M. Recktenwald, K. Graessel, Y. Rashidi, J. N. Steuer, T. John, S. Gekle, C. Wagner
Physical Review Fluid 8, 074202 (2023) [DOI]
Effect of particle insertion on Poly (3-hexylthiophene) brush's π-π stacking
S. Pantawane, S. Müller, S. Gekle
Computational Materials Science 226, 112253 (2023) [DOI]
Modeling of vertical microplastic transport by rising bubbles
M. Lehmann, F. P. Häusl and S. Gekle
Microplastics and Nanoplastics 3:4, (2023) [DOI] [pdf]
Predicting cell stress and strain during extrusion bioprinting
S. J. Müller, B. Fabry, and S. Gekle
Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 064061 (2023) [DOI]
Accuracy and performance of the lattice Boltzmann method with 64-bit, 32-bit, and customized 16-bit number formats
M. Lehmann, M. J. Krause, G. Amati, M. Sega, J. Harting, and S. Gekle
Physical Review E 106, 015308 (2022) [DOI] [pdf]
Analytical and computational study of cascade reaction processes in catalytic fibrous membranes
G. Sitaru, S. Gekle
Computers and Fluids 240, 105438 (2022) [DOI]
Analytic Solution to the Piecewise Linear Interface Construction Problem and its Application in Curvature Calculation for Volume-of-Fluid Simulation Codes
M. Lehmann, S. Gekle
Computation 10, 21 (2022) [DOI]
Esoteric Pull and Esoteric Push: Two Simple In Place Streaming Schemes for the Lattice Boltzmann Method on GPUs
M. Lehmann
MDPI Computation 10 (6), 92 [DOI]
Temperature-Dependent Conformation Behavior of Isolated Poly (3-hexylthiopene) Chains
S. Pantawane and S. Gekle
Polymers 14, 550 (2022) [DOI]
The Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on Polymerization Behavior of Monofunctional Vinyl Cyclopropane-Amides with Different Side Chains
S. Schumacher, S. Pantawane, S. Gekle, and S. Agarwal
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 223 (2022) [DOI]
Viscoelastic properties of suspended cells measured1 with shear flow deformation cytometry
R. Gerum, E. Mirzahossein, M. Eroles, J. Elsterer, A. Mainka, A. Bauer, S. Sonntag, A. Winterl, J. Bartl, L. Fischer, S. Abuhattum, R. Goswami, S. Girardo, J. Guck, S. Schrüfer, N. Ströhlein, M. Nosratlo, H. Herrmann, D. Schultheis, F. Rico, S. Müller, S. Gekle, and B. Fabry
eLife 11, e78823 (2022) [DOI] [pdf]
Rayleigh-Plateau instability of anisotropic interfaces. Part 1. An analytical and numerical study of fluid interfaces
K. Gräßel, C. Bächer and S. Gekle
J. Fluid Mech. 910, A46 (2021) [DOI]
Rayleigh-Plateau instability of anisotropic interfaces. Part 2. Limited instability of elastic interfaces
C. Bächer, K. Gräßel and S. Gekle
J. Fluid Mech. 910, A47 (2021) [DOI]
A Three-Dimensional Numerical Model of an Active Cell Cortes in the Viscous Limit
C. Bächer, D. Khoromskaia, G. Salbreux and S. Gekle
frontiers in Physics 9, (2021) [DOI]
Theoretical and experimental study of monofunctional vinyl cyclopropanes, bearing hydrogen bond enabling side chains
S. Schumacher, S. Pantawane, S. Gekle and S. Agarwal
Macromolecules 54, 11-21 (2021) [DOI]
In vitro examinations of cell death induction and the immune phenotype of cancer cells following radiative-based hyperthermia with 915 MHz in combination with radiotherapy
M. Hader, S. Streit, A. Rosin, T. Gerdes, M. Wadepohl, S. Bekeschus, R. Fietkau, B. Frey, E. Schlücker, S. Gekle and U. Gaipl
Cells 10, 1436 (2021) [DOI]
Post-Process-Functionalized Catalytic Electrospun and 2D-Printed Structures for Wolf−Lamb-Type Catalysis
M. O. Pretscher, G. Sitaru, M. Dietel, H. Schmalz, S. Gekle and S. Agarwal
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 3, 1349-1357 (2021) [DOI]
Vortical Flow Structures Induced by Red Blood Cells in Capillaries
F. Yaya, J. Römer, A. Guckenberger, T. John, S. Gekle, T. Podgorski and C. Wagner
Microcirculation 28, e12693 (2021) [DOI]
Red blood cell shape transitions and dynamics in time-dependent capillary flows
S. M. Recktenwald, K. Graessel, F. M. Maurer, T. John, S. Gekle, and C. Wagner
Biophysical Journal 121, 23-36 (2021) [DOI] [pdf]
Ejection of marine microplastics by raindrops. A computational and experimental study
M. Lehmann, L. M. Oehlschlägel, F. P. Häusl, A. Held and S. Gekle
Microplastics and Nanoplastics 1, 18 (2021) [DOI]Interview with Moritz Lehmann on Spotify
Size-Dependent Catalytic Behavior of Gold Nanoparticles
C. Liang, J. Y. Cheong, G. Sitaru, S. Rosenfeldt, A. S. Schenk, S. Gekle, I. D. Kim, and A. Greiner
Advanced Materials 9, 2100867 (2021) [DOI]
Tracing the horizontal transport of microplastics on rough surfaces
H. Laermanns, M. Lehmann, M. Klee, M. G. J. Löder, S. Gekle, and C. Bogner
Microplastics and Nanoplastics 1:11 (2021) [DOI]
A hyperelastic model for simulating cells in flow
S. J. Müller, F. Weigl, C. Bezold, C. Bächer, K. Albrecht and S. Gekle
Biomech. Model. Mechanobiol. 20, 509-520 (2020) [DOI] [pdf]
What is the role of planarity and torsional freedom for aggregation in a π-conjugated donor–acceptor model oligomer?
S. Wedler, A. Bourdick, S. Athanasopoulos, S. Gekle, F. Panzer, C. McDowell, T.-Q. Nguyen, G. C. Bazan and A. Köhler
J. Mater. Chem. C 8, 4944-4955 (2020) [DOI]
Differences of the immune phenotype of breast cancer cells after ex vivo hyperthermia by warm-water or microwave radiation in a closed-loop system alone or in combination with radiotherapy
M. Hader, D. P. Savcigil, A. Rosin, P. Ponfick, S. Gekle, M. Wadepohl, S. Bekeschus, R. Fietkau, B. Frey, E. Schlücker and U. S. Gaipl
Cancers 12, 1082 (2020) [DOI]
Efficient viscosity contrast calculation for blood flow simulations using the lattice Boltzmann method
M. Lehmann, S. J. Müller and S. Gekle
Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 92, 1463-1477 (2020) [DOI]
Flow-accelerated platelet biogenesis is due to an elasto-hydrodynamic instability
C. Bächer, M. Bender and S. Gekle
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA) 117, 18969-18976 (2020) [DOI]See also the commentary by David Saintillan and the Uni Bayreuth press release.
Flow and hydrodynamic shear stress inside a printing needle during biofabrication
S. J. Müller, E. Mirzahossein, E. N. Iftekhar, C. Bächer, S. Schrüfer, D. W. Schubert, B. Fabry and S. Gekle
PLOS One 15, e0236371 (2020) [DOI]
Frequency-dependent higher-order Stokes singularities near a planar elastic boundary: implications for the hydrodynamics of an active microswimmer near an elastic interface
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, C. Kurzthaler, C. Hoell, A. Zöttl, M. Mirzakhanloo, M.-R. Alam, A. M. Menzel, H. Löwen and S. Gekle
Phys. Rev. E 100, 032610 (2019) [DOI] [pdf]
Computational modeling of active deformable membranes embedded in 3D flows
C. Bächer and S. Gekle
Phys. Rev. E 99, 062418 (2019) [DOI] [pdf]
Precisely 2D patterned Wolf-Lamb type catalysts for one-pot multistep reactions
M. O. Pretscher, T. Chen, G. Sitaru, S. Gekle, J Ji and S. Agarwal
Chem. Eur. J. 25, 13640-13646 (2019) [DOI]
Influence of patch size and chemistry on the catalytic activity of electrospun patchy nonwovens
C. Hils, M. Dulle, G. Sitaru, S. Gekle, J. Schöbel, M. Drechsler, A. Greiner and H. Schmalz
Nanoscale Advances 2, 438-452 (2020) [DOI]
Thermodynamic insights into the entropically driven self-assembly of amphiphilic dyes in water
P. P. N. Syamala, B. Soberats, D. Görl, S. Gekle and F. Würthner
Chem. Sci. 10, 9358-9366 (2019) [DOI]
Wolf-Lamb type catalysis in one-pot using electrospun polymeric catalyst membranes
M. Pretscher, S. Gekle and S. Agarwal
Macromol. Rapid Commun. 1900148 (2019) [DOI]
Brownian motion near an elastic cell membrane: A theoretical study
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider and S. Gekle
Eur. Phys. J. E 41, 19 (2018) [DOI]
Hydrodynamic coupling and rotational mobilities near planar elastic membranes
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, M. Lisicki, S. Gekle, A. Menzel and H. Löwen
J. Chem. Phys. 149, 014901 (2018) [DOI]
Does a vesicle migrate to the center or to the periphery in a bounded shear flow?
A. Nait-Ouhra, A. Guckenberger, A. Farutin, H. Ez-Zahraouy, A. Benyoussef, S. Gekle and C. Misbah
Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 123601 (2018) [DOI]Selected as Editor's Suggestion
Slow rotation of a spherical particle inside an elastic tube
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, M. Lisicki and S. Gekle
Acta Mechanica 229, 149-171 (2018) [DOI]
A boundary integral method with volume-changing objects for ultrasound-triggered margination of microbubbles
A. Guckenberger and S. Gekle
J. Fluid Mech. 836, 952-997 (2018) [DOI] [pdf]
Red blood cell and platelet mechanics (Chapter in 8: Cardiovascular Mechanics, edited by M. Labrosse)
S. Gekle and M. Bender
(2018) [Link]
Reciprocal theorem for the prediction of the normal force induced on a particle translating parallel to an elastic membrane
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, B. Rallabandi, S. Gekle and H. Stone
Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 084101 (2018) [DOI] [pdf]Selected as Editor's Suggestion
Creeping motion of a solid particle inside a spherical elastic cavity
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, H. Löwen and S. Gekle
Eur. Phys. J. E 41, 104 (2018) [DOI]
Parallel and perpendicular alignment of anisotropic particles in free liquid micro-jets and emerging micro-droplets
M. Schlenk, E. Hofmann, S. Seibt, S. Rosenfeldt, L. Schrack, M. Drechsler, A. Rothkirch, W. Ohm, J. Breu, S. Gekle and S. Förster
Langmuir 34, 4843-4851 (2018) [DOI]
Numerical–experimental observation of shape bistability of red blood cells flowing in a microchannel
A. Guckenberger, A. Kihm, T. John, C. Wagner and S. Gekle
Soft Matter 14, 2032-2043 (2018) [DOI] [pdf]
Anti-margination of microparticles and platelets in the vicinity of branching vessels
C. Bächer, A. Kihm, L. Schrack, L. Kaestner, M. W. Laschke, C. Wagner and S. Gekle
Biophys. J. 115, 411-425 (2018) [DOI]
Elucidating Aggregation Pathways in the Donor Acceptor Type Molecules p-DTS(FBTTh2)2 and p-SIDT(FBTTh2)2
A. Bourdick, M. Reichenberger, A. Stradomska, G. Bazan, T.-Q. Nguyen, A. Köhler and S. Gekle
J. Phys. Chem. B 122, 9191-9201 (2018) [DOI]
Directing the aggregation of native polythiophene during in situ polymerization
J. Lebert, E. M. Kratzer, A. Bourdick, M. Coric, S. Gekle and E. M. Herzig
ACS Omega 3, 6388-6394 (2018) [DOI]
Theory and algorithms to compute Helfrich bending forces: A review
A. Guckenberger and S. Gekle
J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 29, 203001 (2017) [DOI] [pdf]
Dispersion of solute released from a sphere flowing in a microchannel
S. Gekle
J. Fluid Mech. 819, 104-120 (2017) [DOI] [pdf]
3D tomography of cells in micro-channels
S. Quint, A. F. Christ, A. Guckenberger, S. Himbert, L. Kaestner, S. Gekle and C. Wagner
Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 103701 (2017) [DOI]Selected as cover
Excited State Dynamics and Conformations of a Cu(II)-Phthalocyanine-Perylenebisimide Dyad
K. Wilma, T. Unger, S. Tuncel Kostakoglu, M. Hollfelder, C. Hunger, A. Lang, A. G. Gürek, M. Thelakkat, J. Köhler, A. Köhler, S. Gekle and R. Hildner
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 22169-22176 (2017) [DOI]
Hydrodynamic mobility of a sphere moving on the centerline of an elastic tube
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, M. Lisicki and S. Gekle
Phys. Fluids 29, 111901 (2017) [DOI]Selected as Editor's Pick
Mobility of an axisymmetric particle near an elastic interface
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, M. Lisicki and S. Gekle
J. Fluid Mech. 811, 210-233 (2017) [DOI] [pdf]
Hydrodynamic mobility of a solid particle near a spherical elastic membrane. II. Asymmetric motion
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, M. Lisicki and S. Gekle
Phys. Rev. E 95, 053117 (2017) [DOI] [pdf]
Cross-stream migration of asymmetric particles driven by oscillating shear
M. Laumann, P. Bauknecht, S. Gekle, D. Kienle and W. Zimmermann
Europhys. Lett. 117, 44001 (2017) [DOI]
Measurement of the magnetic moment of single Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense cells by magnetic tweezers
C. Zahn, S. Keller, M. Toro-Nahuelpan, P. Dorscht, W. Groß, M. Laumann, S. Gekle, W. Zimmermann, D. Schüler, and H. Kress
Sci. Rep. 7, 3558 (2017) [DOI]
Clustering of microscopic particles in constricted blood flow
C. Bächer, L. Schrack and S. Gekle
Phys. Rev. Fluids 2, 013102 (2017) [DOI] [pdf]
Hydrodynamic mobility of a solid particle nearby a spherical elastic membrane: Axisymmetric motion
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider and S. Gekle
Phys. Rev. E 95, 013108 (2017) [DOI] [pdf]
Strongly accelerated margination of active particles in blood flow
S. Gekle
Biophys. J. 110, 514-520 (2016) [DOI] [pdf]
One-component dual actuation: Poly(NIPAM) can actuate to stable 3D forms with reversible size change
L. Liu, A. Ghaemi, S. Gekle and S. Agarwal
Adv. Mater. 1-5 (2016) [DOI]
On the bending algorithms for soft objects in flows
A. Guckenberger, M. P. Schraml, P. G. Chen, M. Leonetti and S. Gekle
Comp. Phys. Comm. 207, 1-23 (2016) [DOI] [pdf]
Spatially-resolved dielectric constant of confined water and its connection to the non-local nature of bulk water
C. Schaaf and S. Gekle
J. Chem. Phys. 145, 084901 (2016) [DOI] [pdf]Selected as featured article and cover
Particle mobility between two planar elastic membranes: Brownian motion and membrane deformation
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, A. Guckenberger and S. Gekle
Phys. Fluids 28, 071903 (2016) [DOI] [pdf]
Long-lived anomalous thermal diffusion induced by elastic cell membranes on nearby particles
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, A. Guckenberger and S. Gekle
Phys. Rev. E 93, 012612 (2016) [DOI] [pdf]
Hydrodynamic interaction between particles near elastic interfaces
A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider and S. Gekle
J. Chem. Phys. 145, 014905 (2016) [DOI] [pdf]
Mechanical behaviour of micro-capsules and their rupture under compression
A. Ghaemi, A. Philipp, A. Bauer, K. Last, A. Fery and S. Gekle
Chem. Eng. Sci. 142, 236-243 (2016) [DOI]
Using Molecular Dynamics to Model the Stacking Behaviour of Perylene Bisimide Derivatives in Aromatic Solvent
M. Hollfelder and S. Gekle
In: Proceedings of the NIC Symposium 2016 105 (2016) [Link]
Wasser in Grenzen
S. Gekle
Physik Journal 11/2015, 29 (2015) [Link]
Bulk and interfacial liquid Water as a Transient Network
M. Jahn and S. Gekle
Phys. Rev. E 92, 052130 (2015) [DOI] [pdf]
Dielectric Response of the Water Hydration Layer around Spherical Solutes
C. Schaaf and S. Gekle
Phys. Rev. E 92, 032718 (2015) [DOI] [pdf]
Dynamic Stacking Pathway of Perylene Dimers in Aromatic and Nonaromatic Solvents
M. Hollfelder and S. Gekle
J. Phys. Chem. B 119, 10216 (2015) [DOI]
Dissecting ion-specific dielectric spectra of sodium-halide solutions into solvation water and ionic contributions
K. F. Rinne, S. Gekle and R. R. Netz
J. Chem. Phys. 141, 214502 (2014) [DOI]
Ion-Specific Solvation Water Dynamics: Single Water versus Collective Water Effects
K. F. Rinne, S. Gekle and R. R. Netz
J. Phys. Chem. A 118, 11667 (2014) [DOI]
Nanometer resolved radio-frequency absorption and heating in biomembrane hydration layers
S. Gekle and R. R. Netz
J. Phys. Chem. B 118, 4963-4969 (2014) [DOI] [pdf]
Unravelling the Conformations of di-(perylene bisimide acrylate) by combining Time-Resolved Fluorescence-Anisotropy experiments and Molecular Modelling
F. Spreitler, M. Sommer, M. Hollfelder, M. Thelakkat, S. Gekle, J. Köhler
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 25959-25968 (2014) [DOI]
Air flow in a collapsing cavity
I. R. Peters, S. Gekle, D. Lohse, and D. van der Meer
Phys. Fluids 25, 032104 (2013) [DOI]
Anomalous Anisotropic Diffusion Dynamics of Hydration Water at Lipid Membranes
Y. von Hansen, S. Gekle, and R. R. Netz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 118103 (2013) [DOI]Selected as cover illustration.
Comment on "Anomalous Dielectric Behavior of Nanoconfined Electrolyte Solutions"
S. Gekle and A. Arnold
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 089801 (2013) [DOI] [pdf]
Anisotropy in the dielectric spectrum of hydration water and its relation to water dynamics
S. Gekle and R. R. Netz
J. Chem. Phys. 137, 104704 (2012) [DOI] [pdf]
Collapse and pinch-off of a non-axisymmetric impact-created air cavity in water
O. R. Enriquez, I. R. Peters, S. Gekle, L. E. Schmidt, D. Lohse, and D. van der Meer
J. Fluid Mech. 701, 40-58 (2012) [DOI]
Nanoscale pumping of water by AC electric fields
K. F. Rinne, S. Gekle, D. J. Bonthuis, and R. R. Netz
Nanoletters 12, 1780 (2012) [DOI]
Profile of the Static Permittivity Tensor of Water at Interfaces: Consequences for Capacitance, Hydration Interaction and Ion Adsorption
D. J. Bonthuis, S. Gekle, and R. R. Netz
Langmuir 28, 7679 (2012) [DOI]
Selected as cover illustration
Compressible air flow through a collapsing liquid cavity
S. Gekle and J. M. Gordillo
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 67, 1456 (2011) [DOI]
Dielectric Profile of Interfacial Water and its Effect on Double Layer Capacitance
D. J. Bonthuis, S. Gekle, and R. R. Netz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, (2011) [DOI]
Non-axisymmetric impact creates pineapple-shaped cavity
O. R. Enríquez, I. R. Peters, S. Gekle, L. E. Schmidt, D. van der Meer, and D. Lohse
Phys. Fluids 23, 91106 (2011) [DOI]
Breakup of diminutive Rayleigh jets
W. van Hoeve, S. Gekle, J. H. Snoeijer, M. Versluis, M. P. Brenner, and D. Lohse
Phys. Fluids 22, 122003 (2010) [DOI]
Collapse of nonaxisymmetric cavities
O. R. Enríquez, I. R. Peters, S. Gekle, L. E. Schmidt, M. Versluis, D. van der Meer, and D. Lohse
Phys. Fluids 22, 91104 (2010) [DOI]
Generation and breakup of Worthington jets after cavity collapse. Part 1: Jet Formation
S. Gekle and J. M. Gordillo
J. Fluid Mech. 663, 293-330 (2010) [DOI]
Generation and breakup of Worthington jets after cavity collapse. Part 2: Tip breakup of stretched jets
J. M. Gordillo and S. Gekle
J. Fluid Mech. 663, 331-346 (2010) [DOI]
Supersonic air flow due to solid-liquid impact
S. Gekle, I. Peters, J. M. Gordillo, D. van der Meer, and D. Lohse
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 24501 (2010) [DOI] [pdf]Selected as "Editor's suggestion", as cover illustration, and for a Viewpoint in Physics 3, 4 (2010).
See also News & Views, Nature 463, 439 (2010).
Approach to universality in axisymmetric inviscid bubble pinch-off
S. Gekle, J. H. Snoeijer, D. Lohse, and D. van der Meer
Phys. Rev. E 80, 36305 (2009) [DOI] [pdf]
See also "Bubble Trouble", Nature Phys. 6, p.77 (2010) DOI.
High-speed jet formation after solid object impact
S. Gekle, J. M. Gordillo, D. van der Meer, and D. Lohse
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 34502 (2009) [DOI] [pdf]
See also "Why dropping a stone makes a jet", Phys. Rev. Focus 23, 3 (2009) DOI
High-speed jet formation after solid object impact
S. Gekle, J. M. Gordillo, D. van der Meer, and D. Lohse
Computational Fluid Dynamics (2009)
Nucleation threshold and deactivation mechanisms of nanoscopic cavitation nuclei
B. M. Borkent, S. Gekle, A. Prosperetti, and D. Lohse
Phys. Fluids 21, 102003 (2009) [DOI]
The controlled impact of a disc on a water surface: Cavity dynamics
R. Bergmann, D. van der Meer, S. Gekle, A. van der Bos, and D. Lohse
J. Fluid Mech. 633, 381-409 (2009) [DOI]
Noncontinuous Froude number scaling for the closure depth of a cylindrical cavity
S. Gekle, A. van der Bos, R. Bergmann, D. van der Meer, and D. Lohse
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 84502 (2008) [DOI] [pdf]
Gluing torus families across a singularity: The lens space for the hydrogen atom in crossed fields
T. Bartsch, S. Gekle, J. Main, and T. Uzer
Prog. Theor. Phys. Supp. 166, 45-55 (2007) [DOI]
Hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields: Phase space topology and torus quantization via periodic orbits
S. Gekle, J. Main, T. Bartsch, and T. Uzer
Phys. Rev. A 75, 23406 (2007) [DOI] [pdf]
Torus construction and quantization for the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields
S. Gekle, J. Main, and T. Bartsch
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 10, 164-169 (2007)
Extracting multidimensional phase space topology from periodic orbits
S. Gekle, J. Main, T. Bartsch, and T. Uzer
Phys. Rev. Lett 97, 104101 (2006) [DOI] [pdf]
Opinion dynamics in a three-choice system
S. Gekle, L. Peliti, and S. Galam
Eur. Phys. J. B 45, 569-575 (2005) [DOI]